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12:10 AM | Labels: cheap, vps | 0 Comments
Adding Visual Effects To Your Ubuntu Installation
Linux has very little "eye candy". There are many different things that can be done to the system to have an interface like the graphic effects. It's not necessary to actually do anything important, but they make the desktop look great. In your Ubuntu install, there are ways to improve how it looks and works better visual effects.
By default Ubuntu has some visual effects on the system. Go to System> Preferences> Appearance. Click the Visual Effects tab at the top of the screen. This will give you several options with no effects, normal activity, or additional effects. You must have a graphics card that handles the added effect if they are used.
If you want to be "spinning cube" you've seen on YouTube video, you need to install Compiz Fusion from the repository as well as Compiz Config. Start the configuration program to enable or disable the action. Turn on Compiz and enjoy all the effects that this program can do. It should be more than enough for everyone.
You might notice that other Ubuntu users seem to have a completely different look on their PCs. Some have taken the custom theme to make things look different. At other times they are using different interface altogether. There are KDE and XFCE version of Ubuntu and Gnome, which is the default one. If you want your desktop to look like these, you must install on your system desktop, or you can reinstall Ubutnu with Xubuntu or Kubuntu.
One thing that happens to many users is to be noted that the performance will go down a bit when you use too much influence. This happens on older machines. If it is causing problems on your system, you may have to disable some of the features of Compiz so that your computer will be so slow.
5:45 PM | Labels: adding visual effects ubuntu installation, Ubuntu, ubuntu installation, visual effects | 0 Comments
Win XP and Ubuntu Linux Dual Boot (Ubuntu First)
This article is about dual-booting Ubuntu Linux for-8, 04 (Herdy Heron) and Microsoft Windows XP;. Ubuntu, which is already installed in the system
to manage the dual-boot should boot manager. In Windows, we know that as a bootloader and Ubuntu it is called GRUB.
When we install XP after Herdy Heron, it will completely overwrite GRUB with its boot manager. Unfortunately, until now, Windows is not good enough to deal with this kind of situation or they simply do not want their users the experience of other operating systems.
so that after installing XP you will only see the XP startup screen, it will be Linux. Now we have to reinstall grub to see them together. To do this, you will need to install Ubuntu OS CD. Insert it into the CD ROM and restart the computer. Select your preferred language. Select Try Ubuntu without any change to your computer. This will lead you to boot up the live session.
Now go to Applications -> Accessories -> Terminal. Then type "sudo grub" and press Enter.
"> grub" This is what you will see and will keep seeing until you finish a tough session.
Now just type "find / boot/grub/stage1" after "> grub" and it will appear rough.
You'll find something like "(HDX, Y)", where X and Y be two numbers. If you are a newbie, you need to know immediately what this means.
For example, it is "(hd0, 1)" It should be "> grub (hd0, 1)" look.
Now enter "root (hd0, 1)" It should be "> grub root (hd0, 1)" look.
Now type "setup (hd0)" It should be "> grub setup (hd0)" look.
if everything goes right you will see some lines with success.
Now you can type "stop ".
4:49 PM | Labels: dual boot, dual boot ubuntu, ubuntu linux dual boot ubuntu first, xp and ubuntu | 0 Comments
How to Put Ubuntu on a USB Drive and What to Do With It
One interesting feature about Linux is that you can install it on any hardware you like. There are no hardware limitations due to licensing and other commercial operating systems. Since it can install on whatever you want, people have developed a way to run Linux on other hardware. One option you have is that Ubuntu, a popular Linux distribution and install it on a USB memory stick.
You will need to have installed Ubuntu and a USB flash drive with at least 4 gigabytes of memory. Realistically you probably want more than that, but it will work with just four. Click on System Administration and then run a USB Startup Disk Creator. Follow the instructions and correct your Ubuntu distribution you use will be installed on a USB flash drive.
You take this stick and use it to boot into Ubuntu from the drive sama.Cijelog operating system will work from that. Put it in your computer before you boot up and you should get the choice to either boot from a USB device or go to your normal operating system. Older computers may need to change the BIOS settings for booting from a USB device before the hard disk.
This has some interesting uses. First, when you're locked out of your operating system because it is damaged. Many times, trojans and other malware can destroy and operating sustav.Prednost boot Ubuntu so that you can still access the files on your computer even if the normal operating system will not boot.
Another advantage is that you can use to boot up the computer that you are not sure they are safe and may have spyware. When you sign up for important accounts such as your bank account, you must be sure that the spyware and keyloggers are not on the machine. Your USB Ubuntu will not have these malware meaning of your accounts and keys will be safe.
can put the entire Ubuntu operating system on a small USB drive. Learn how to do and what you can do with technology.
8:45 AM | Labels: operating system, ubuntu drive, ubuntu operating system, usb drive | 0 Comments
Linux Commands Training Quick Tips - Using the Sudo Command - Examples - Ubuntu
Regular Ubuntu Linux user and the (lack of use) root user
When you install Ubuntu, create a user, the "first" and users can also create multiple users if necessary. When you create a "first" user and assign this user password - and this is one very important
!You need to log on your desktop (the Linux GUI login prompt) as "ordinary" (non-root) user - and this password must also be able to do the equivalent of the application as the root user -. When working on a Linux prompt, terminal emulation window on the desktop
By default, the root of usage is not "enabled" (not available) in Ubuntu so i can not log in as this user - which is an innovative thing - how to stop anyone from applications on the desktop as this user - they should be never be done
!an example of running Linux sudo command - to get started as root user
by typing in: sudo-i and press Enter to change to a "regular" users to act as ( equivalent to ) root user in Ubuntu (and variations or derivatives such as Kubuntu - see more on that below further ).
, and then give the password the first user who created the system. After running the Linux sudo command, a quick change from a dollar sign on the number or hash mark (press Shift 3). For the "return" to work as a "regular" way to run a command by entering the name of the command and pressing Enter.
The Linux version has its own "derivatives" (variations), and many of them end in "Ubuntu", such as Kubuntu.
- Linux Commands Training Tips: " K " in K is ubuntu abbreviation for " K de" - it is " K " in " K dE" for K DE desktop.
- Ubuntu distro uses the GNOME desktop by default and Kubuntu uses the KDE desktop by default.
Ubuntu Linux and it's derivatives are some of the few distributions that require using the command sudo-i option as shown above - as opposed to using the commands - "dash" option and then entering the root password users.
How to Use Ubuntu Faster to Save Time
When you use your computer, especially for work or school, it is important to be efficient with the system, so you can get more work done quite a bit faster. In Ubuntu there are a few tips that should help accelerate the use of computers.
The first is the keyboard shortcuts. Many of the standard shortcuts such as Control + C to copy and Control + V to paste the same as it is in Windows. If you have not learned their basic shortcuts like this, they are memorized. They are designed to be easily used by left hand while the right hand uses the mouse.
When you use a program that you used to spend hours during the week, take 20 minutes and memorize all the keyboard shortcuts for tasks you most. This will reduce the time it takes to click through menus with the mouse.
Alt + F1 opens up your applications menu to launch applications faster. You can then choose the ones you want to open.
Alt + F2 opens a small window. In this start typing the name of your programs and icons below will appear narrowing down the list.
Consider using Gnome Do. This is the kind of quick start that also has a series of time-saving features. Installation of the repository and use Super + Space to start it.
If you use the same applications every day, you can all back the way you left them when you restart your computer. Go to System> Preferences> Startup applications. Go to the Options tab and check the box so that the computer remembers your open programs.
to keep an open mind and always try to be proactive about ways of doing everything as efficiently as possible. For the new program, it could take a few minutes of learning, but it pays in the long run.
4:52 AM | Labels: basic shortcuts, keyboard shortcuts, save time, time saving, ubuntu faster, ubuntu faster save time | 0 Comments
Are There Ways of Trying Ubuntu Without Messing Up Windows?
One problem that many people have about trying out a new OS is that they do not want to clutter your currently installed operating system, which is usually Windows. The idea of messing up and losing all your Windows files in many places the fear that makes them not want to try new things such as Ubuntu. Fortunately there are ways to try Ubuntu without even touching Windows.
First of all, download the Ubuntu ISO from their website. These instructions will actually work for any Linux distribution that provides an ISO file so that it can be repeated with other versions.
Once downloaded, burn the ISO to a CD as an image, not the data on the disk. Put the disc into the CD ROM and reboot. Most computers will boot directly from CD first. If yours does not, you have to figure out what button to press to get the BIOS and change the settings so that the CD ROM boots before the hard disk.
After starting the computer boot from the CD, you will see the Ubuntu start screen. Just press Enter here. All you do is review OS and not install anything. Do not worry about the installation, because it will be a series of buttons to get to the actual point of installing the operating system so that it can not be done on the accident.
If you know how to work with virtual machines, you can boot a virtual machine with an ISO file in the attached CD and run the Ubuntu ISO the same way, but almost.
Note that the CD experience will be a little slower than when it is actually installed. This is because it takes longer to load data from a CD than when it is installed on your hard disk.
operating systems like Ubuntu to provide users a way to experience the operating system without installing it on Windows. There are ways of keeping the operating system on a CD to test the system.
3:25 PM | Labels: trying ubuntu, Ubuntu, ways trying ubuntu without messing windows | 0 Comments
How to Try Ubuntu Without Touching Windows
Many people are intrigued by the idea of using another operating sustavu.Najveća concern is that in trying a new operating system Windows installation somehow going to be messed up. There are several ways to try new operating systems such as Ubuntu without touching Windows.
you can try Ubuntu from the Live CD.
One option is to download and burn what's called a Live CD. If you do not know how to download and burn this CD, you can always order a free CD from Ubuntu, or sometimes no one at computer stores.
Once you have this CD put it into the computer and turn off your computer. When you turn it on again you will see a screen asking if you want to install and try Ubuntu. Do not worry about the word "install" because it can not accidentally install it, if not želite.Cijelog operating system will run from a CD allowing you to check it out without messing up windows.
You can also try Ubuntu in a virtual machine.
Another option is to start the virtual machine. It is a little more complicated. Download a free program called Virtual Box. Once it is open and running to start a new "machine". Set it to at least 512 Megs of RAM, 32 Meg video RAM, and arbitrarily set the amount of disk space, because it does not matter now.
then add the ISO image you downloaded from the Ubuntu CD-ROM in the virtual machine and boot up.
This will let you play around with Ubuntu and boot into Windows without installing anything.
Keep in mind that any of these methods will not show you Ubuntu in it full speed. When Ubuntu is actually installed on your machine will run faster.
9:53 PM | Labels: touching windows, try ubuntu, ubuntu without touching windows, windows installation | 0 Comments
Delete Ubuntu From a Dual Boot Vista Setup With Super Grub Disc
Here is a quick little tip for if you operate a computer in a dual boot setup with Ubuntu and Vista.
do exactly this, because I've been programming Ruby and Ruby on Rails applications from Ubuntu, but the lack of Photoshop is killing me. So I did some research and eventually discovered andLinux (the future of the one-day), which lets you run Ubuntu Linux as a Windows service. So it is now solved all my problems when it comes to being able to do the design and programming at the same operating system (which I really need to do is buy a Mac, but who has so much money?).
, so I booted into Linux in about 3 months. It's no big deal, because it's nice to know that there is a partition exists, if we need it. But the problem is that I recently started running a little low on hard disk. I found it kind of strange because I was only about 2,000 songs on my computer, and now very few films.
But I have the 40GB Linux partition just sitting there.
So I went to delete the partition and recover some space. What is important though is that you make sure to replace the Linux bootloader that is installed when you install Ubuntu, or you will lose the ability to boot into Vista after you delete Ubuntu. So let's start with replacing the bootloader first in order to avoid any problems. The process is pretty simple:
1 First you need to download Super Grub Disk and burn ISO image CD.
2nd Next, pop the disc and restart your computer.
3.Super Grub Disk screens are kind of cryptic in the sense that a lot of choices look like gibberish, but it's important you want to delete Linux, so that only Vista:
4th This option resets the Vista bootloader to the Master Boot Record, forcing your computer to automatically boot the next time Vista starts up.
5th Now, restart your computer, click "Start", right click "Computer" and select "Manage"
6th On the left side (in the menu tree), click on "Disk Management"
7th Find your old Linux partition, right-click it and select "Delete Volume"
8th After deleting, right click your existing Windows partition, and click "Extend Volume"
Now you should have recovered from the premises of the old Ubuntu installation. If you have a swap partition for Linux, you can delete that as well.
Now just remember that it is only after back up everything on your Linux install!
6:46 PM | Labels: delete ubuntu dual boot vista setup super grub disc, dual boot, Linux, super grub disc, Ubuntu, vista, vista ubuntu dual boot | 0 Comments
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ReliaCloud customers have the right to choose the size of their cloud model server. They allow using a range of sizes for the cloud breaks, such as a modest server model, which consists of a minimum quantity of processor, memory and storage, and large server models which contain the capacity of many sources. All these different versions are certainly available in many prices, depending on the scale. Customers can even choose a template operating system, since it supports many commercial and open-source operating systems including Windows, Debian, Ubuntu, CentOS, FreeBSD or even OpenSolaris. S ReliaCloud coupon codes there are various interesting special discounts availed to customers. Furthermore, there are online ReliaCloud promotions with which users can easily try cloud computing at a reduced cost of $ 0.05/hour.
for different templates operating system is a specific rate, while the open-source templates are completely free. In an extremely small amount of time, for example in a minute can create a new cloud over servers Interneta.Uprave new cloud server is very easy with the portal. All of these portals, and let the customer to upgrade, pause, and also cancel their servers, depending on the change in specifications. Customers even can set up load balancing, handle its cloud network security regulations, and seek help from a live ReliaCloud staff. They are an excellent award-winning, certified tech team that brings live help for cloud servers 24x7x365.
5:20 PM | Labels: rediacloud | 0 Comments
Resizing Mounted Ext2 File System May Cause Corruption
EXT2 (second extended) file system is an advanced file system for Linux kernel. This is the replacement of external file system. It is possible to resize the ext2 file system, while mounted, and the system it uses. It is possible to use ext2online utility. The process of resizing the file system while applications are open files and write data to a file system is fine. However, you should always have complete and valid backup of critical data before installing or online file system mounted. In case something goes wrong, you may encounter serious data loss situation, which requires the Linux data recovery to be fixed.
You can resize only mount Ext2 file system. To use ext2online utility, you must have online support for ext2 size (CONFIG_EXT2_RESIZE) be enabled on your Linux Kernel. You can enable this feature after applying the appropriate patch for the 2.x series kernel.
File system, which is specified by the device, or Mountpoint must be mounted immediately. By default, the mounted file system is increased to fill the device. If you specify an additional parameter size, and then use it instead of a certain size. If the optional modifier is not available, it is taken from Ext2 file system blocks.
4:02 PM | Labels: data recovery linux, ext2 recovery, linux data recovery | 0 Comments
9 Benefits of Gmail Cloud Computing for Your Business
Implementation of Google Gmail for my business is allowed a minimum and secure IT management of my 8 web pages (28 + e-mail). Support for mixed working environment that includes Microsoft, Ubuntu and MacOS, multiple browsers, and document formats from Microsoft Office, Open Office can be easier with in-the-cloud computing environments such as Gmail.
, so why would you think about cloud computing, such as Google Mail for your business, especially SMEs (Small Medium Enterprises )?
In two words - security and compliance . E-mail security, Web security and messaging compliance are fundamental advantages for solid business reasons to make your mail and office documents served through Gmail.
safety compliance and retention requirements
Whether your organization is a person or a thousand people in size, you are faced with accounting, legal and governmental regulations and standards that dictate the acceptable level of IT security and record keeping for all electronic files and e-mails. Gmail can ensure compliance with the standards plus provide you with real business benefits in the flow of documents and e-mail management. Setting up Google Mail is just smart business. Some benefits are:
1) Organize and archive (archive) Your e-mail that you want.
Google uses labeling as a way to organize your files and e-mail. You can tag an email with multiple tags. For example, e-mail from your accountant with tax information could be marked as "Taxes", "accountant", "IRS", "Revenue Canada". Gone is the restriction to select only one file folder in which to move e-mail.
2) Maintenance e talk, or related topics together .
seems like a cascading file folders, e-mail on the same topic (topic) will stick together in your inbox or archived multiple labels you assigned. No searching for e-paths or thread email messages on a particular topic. They are visually represented as a complex group of file folders.
2:49 PM | Labels: cloud computing, email retention, email security, gmail, google mail, home office, in the cloud computing, remote office, saas, software as a service, soho | 0 Comments
Senior Uses Ubuntu System 14 Months Trouble Free
Computers started making their way into homes, en masse, 15 years ago. After 15 years, computer users should not be afraid to use your computer.
This case study is a story about the users of the Mines, Wanda, who happens to be in her 70's. Like most computer users use Windows based computer. In her case, it is a system composed her grandson in 2002 or 2003 and the 1.8GHz processor, 256MB of RAM and a version of XP Home and Windows.
When I first met Wanda a few years ago, it was a typical Windows user problems, slow computer, slow internet, can not open some attachments, virus and spyware problems. It uses dial-up for Juno Internet and Norton Antivirus her system. I could talk her into getting a DSL or cable connection, but I change my security from Norton to AVG and optimized for starting and operating the system. However, with dial-up and Juno, she continued to have problems that cropped up every 3-4 months.
In April 2008, I spoke with her in detail about their use of computers. She said that she really only need to do three or four things with her computer:
We talked about the cost of new computer and high-speed connections. And then we talked about taking off her Windows system, installation of different systems (Linux and Ubuntu does not mean anything to her) would be almost no problems and no cost of acquisition, except for my install and configuration time. I loved the sound, but I was informed that I could not install Ubuntu, unless it is nice to get DSL internet connection. She agreed.
I installed Ubuntu for her and her desktop shortcuts configured her e-mail, web, solitaire, and her word processor. Again, it was April 2008. Before that I got at least one call from her every month, and he visited her for the cleaning and troubleshooting appointment at least 3-5 times a year.
Today Wanda called me the first time since I installed Ubuntu on my system 14 months ago. She asked two questions:
knowing that it will be a quick visit, I stopped her home between appointments. To my delight, the desktop looks exactly the same as I left a year ago, except for a few saved PowerPoint presentation is saved from the e-mail on it.
Since he was using Hotmail, I could almost guarantee that blocked his daughter's e-mail address (Microsoft of spam / junk mail button dangerously close to the Delete button). Of course, the journey of blocked senders settings revealed what I suspected. Her daughter's e-mail address and dear friend of mine was blocked. I corrected that in just a few clicks.
then her printer problem turned out to be a paper jam. After clearing, the computer is happily re-print. I left home at 15 minutes after correct the problem that has nothing to do with Ubuntu , and she was beaming like a kid in a candy shop.
Moral of the story
Properly set up and customized for the individual computing needs , Ubuntu Linux can be used successfully and easily by anyone of any age and computing capabilities. And, the problems associated with the Windows computing environment disappear.
My only regret is that I start looking at and learning about Linux before 2006.
1:48 PM | Labels: computers, Linux, senior, senior uses ubuntu system months trouble free, spyware, ubuntu system | 0 Comments
Does Ubuntu Work On The Eee Pc?
EEE PC made history by introducing one of the first netbooks. Many people did not understand at first, but at the end of the term netbook caught on to what one of the most popular new devices to come out in recent years.
By default, the Eee PC comes with a version of Linux based on Xandros. Although this is a good operating system, some people have had a few problems with it. It is a bit limited in terms of what applications you can use it for.
It is possible to put Ubuntu on the Eee PC. It is powerful enough to run the version of Ubuntu if you want to install it on my netbook. However, you will probably have problems with Kubuntu on its demands will be poduzetanEEE PC is the limit.
9:07 PM | Labels: asus, asus eee pc, computer, eee pc, eeebuntu, eeepc, Kubuntu, Linux, netbook, netbook computer, operating system, Ubuntu | 0 Comments
Linux Mint Distribution - What Are The Advantages Of Using This?
There are hundreds of versions of Linux to choose from, with about five or six that are really competitive with a large number korisnika.Najpopularniji today's version of Ubuntu. Although this is a great distribution for any Linux user, there is one that is gaining ground is called Linux Mint. This is a great distribution to consider using on your computer.
is one good reason to use this distribution because it is based on Ubuntu. Everything Ubuntu Mint also provides ima.jedan big thing that stands out over Ubuntu is that Mint is a much better look and osjećati.smeđe Ubuntu and oranges are the most common thing to be criticized. Mint is an elegant and sleek green and black design, which many consider the best looking Linux distributions.
It takes advantage of Debian and Ubuntu packages. This means that there are tens of thousands of pieces of software that are available with one click installation that will run on your system. Using the package manager, just search and click to install the applications you want on your computer. There are so many open source software today is that in most cases you can find a free piece of software to replace what is used on different operating systems.
A big advantage of Linux Mint is that most plugins and codecs you'll need to play media and use your browser already installed. For some users, they are not quite sure how to get things to play on the machine or to get their browser to function properly. Mint takes care of you, so you do not have to do.
Since it is free, You May as well give a try to boot up the Mint Live CD to see how this version of Linux running.
8:32 AM | Labels: computers, computers and technology, linux mint, linux mint distribution, looking linux distribution, software | 0 Comments
Display Driver For Ubuntu - Find & Install !
Do you really think you know how to efficiently find? It's worth your time to scan the next article soon - it will certainly have an impact on your current techniques. Most computer users who encounter problems with their windows did not realize the fact that what is often guilty of one or more problematic drivers. Take a few moments to look over this important information before you "take risks" and change the driver any time soon.
If you've done it before, you know where the occurrence, when shopping around for a driver, a quick web search reveals a range of responses. I bet you have no idea which of your computer installed drivers are newer versions and that could be outdated, the good news is, your worries will soon be over. We should start by defining the term: the driver is just a small program that performs as a "middle man" between the hardware and software components and programs that control it. Here is some great news - now you can easily get a special solution that spontaneously seeks fixes, updates and practically any driver (s) that you can zatrebati.Alat like this will not only find the desired driver (s) -. Even replacing a graphics card, webcam driver windows, and other
Ubuntu Linux – The Best Operating System For Your Computer
Are you looking for a good alternative for the Windows operating system? If so, you might consider Ubuntu Linux. Based on Debian GNU / Linux distribution of this operating system is distributed as free. This means that you do not have to pay large sums for the purchase of an operating system like Windows OS. There are many amazing features of Ubuntu Linux that make it one of the best operating system available in the present day.
Ubuntu Linux is not only much safer than the Windows OS, but also includes a free application and make a safe and fast web browsing. This operating system is super fast and great. Do you have a netbook, desktop or laptop, you can easily install the OS. Ubuntu Linux is also ideal for servers. If you want the best technology directly to your desktop, Ubuntu Linux is the choice for you. If you want to install the operating system on your computer? You can consult the company for the Linux installation program.
8:13 AM | Labels: computer help, computer repair, computers repair services, online computer repair | 0 Comments
Web Browsers for Kids
Today, internet has become a tool for every day in our lives and our children lives. Parents face their mission to protect children in cyberspace svijetu.Internet has become a playground for many young children. Young children, aged two, use the Internet to play games, learn, socialize, interact with each other and much more.
There are many sites that are suitable for children, even from a young age, but surfing the web is not so easy task for them. Young children (2-6 years), encounter problems when trying to surf the web since their limited language skills
.Most browsers are not suitable for such small children and they need to help parents to use them. Since the browsers are the gateway to the Internet, children find limited in their ability to use web.Rješenje for many parents is to sit down with their small children when using the internet to help them in their first steps in this virtual world. This is a great solution, it is not advisable to allow children to surf only without adult supervision. Parents can use this time to teach your child to surf the guidelines Internetom.Problem with this solution is that some parents do not have time to sit with their children when they use the Internet on a regular basis. Also, many parents did not know the appropriate safe sites for kids.
This problem has been recognized by several companies that are trying to create browsers for kids. In general lines, kids' browsers to provide a gateway to the Internet is suitable for small children, enabling them to surf the web pages that have content that is appropriate for their age. These browsers work as a closed environment to protect young users from Internet threats. Most of these browsers are offered as a service in exchange for a fee or annual fee.
Several examples of children's browser:
KidRocket -
The browser is free. KidRocket block the entire internet and only a limited browser access, child related web sites. It also has the feature of e for children with Arts / eCard attachments and time lock feature to limit child time on computer.
Its requirements are:
a computer running Windows 95, 98, ME, 2000, XP or Vista and Internet Explorer 5 or higher version.
KidSurf -
This is the basic filter browser that allows parents to control the content their children are exposed to when using the internet. You can buy a license for this product for a fee of $ 5.99 USD. Parents can choose from a list of web sites or add your own web page to browser favorites. There is the option of password protection of parents 'and parents' desktop screen to set up and use the time that parents can set to limit their child's online time.Its requirements are:
Microsoft Windows. For best results we recommend a broadband connection (cable or DSL ).
This is a very popular kids' Web browser. Kidzui web browser allows children to surf only suitable site and also offers access to games and video. Kidzui also be offered as a supplement to the Firefox browser. Kidzui company states that their catalog has more than 800,000 seats and is suitable for children 3-12. Any child who uses Kidzui you can choose an avatar that represents him / her in your browser. Kidzui is offered for free, but there is a charge for premium services.
7:00 AM | Labels: children, directory, internet filters, internet parental control, kids browsers, parents, safe web, teens, tweens, web browsers, web browsers for kids, web filter | 0 Comments
Will Ubuntu Unity Be the End or the Start of a New Ubuntu?
sizcache = "0" sizset = "47">
If you have installed or upgraded to Ubuntu 11.04, the first thing you would have noticed that Gnome has gone and replaced by Ubuntu Unity. Did you feel cheated? Did you like it better than Gnome? Do you think that the end of Ubuntu success stories or start a new Ubuntu Glory? In this article, I will try to throw light on this and leave the decision up to you.
At first before I start, I want to be fair to Ubuntu. Ubuntu has made Linux Desktop in the past few years, more than any other distro out there. In fact, no Ubuntu, I might have managed to switch to Linux. He always had a great interface and ease of use that I never saw him be matched any other distro. Another thing that has always contributed to the popularity of Ubuntu is its Hardware Drivers compatibility. Furthermore, Ubuntu is all the hard work of decency, including the driver is ready for its users at the click of a mouse. I do not think giving them a chance at the first turn they do is kind of unfair, but in the end users will look at their needs before looking at what Ubuntu has them, and offered.
When I started Ubuntu Natty narwhal for the first time, I was shocked at the amount of change in the interface was. It took me about two weeks to be used where there is everything. Furthermore, the new Unity interface is less reliable and there are many more failures than Ubuntu Gnome interface earlier. Below are a few things I believe Gnome is better than unity and hope Ubuntu will fix them in the near future.
return from sleep or hibernation still has a chance, where the mouse disappears, or the Unity GUI is not working as it should, and you get to use Ctrl + Alt + Backspace to restart the GUI before you can make use of their meeting. I am glad that we in the Linux GUI again without havin to restart a full OS, unlike other OS out there. This bug to be honest it was the most annoying one to me.The next bad bug was not able to use the update manager, where the following error comes up "Ubuntu Update Manager 11.04 You can not run a package of information.". Fortunately, I quickly found a solution on: Could not initialize the package information article. At least this was resolved quickly, but I'm hoping Ubuntu look into these things a little more careful in the future as they have always done.
Another limitation is that I feel the interface is much more customizable than Gnome with the new unity. It is a little more work to access servers and tools, remote connection tools, among other things with the unity of the interface than before Gnome interface that uses the latest Ubuntu. Further to the new Unity have the ability to switch between different Windows managers as is the case with Ubuntu before Natty narwhal. This means that if you do not like Unity, you will need to use another distro. I believe that this is a very risky decision for Ubuntu, like many people who are not like the new unity by switching to other distros, and Ubuntu will be a great team effort to get these people to return and gain their trust all over again.
I hope that Ubuntu is to improve the company's new Unity interface quickly enough to achieve your goals on it. I believe Ubuntu team did not take a blind decision moves to unity, but probably are preparing for another surprise that will cause multiple transmissions on Ubuntu than it will lose the next release. What should my hopes high as Ubuntu got popular doing things differently in the first place, I work second shift in the fast compared to other distros directions that could pave the way for other distros to follow your instructions in the future. Only time will tell.
5:10 AM | Labels: gnome interface, ubuntu earlier gnone, ubuntu team, ubuntu unity, ubuntu unity start ubuntu, unity interface, update manager | 0 Comments
Burned by Ubuntu?
If you were involved in the IT community in general, or even a serious internet addict, chances are high that you've heard of Ubuntu Linux. If you've heard of it, then chances are good that you also consider installing the operating system, and playing around with it a bit.
If you install it, say, 2-3 years, chances are, things do not work properly. I mean, things that "just works" in the good ole 'XP, failed completely. You then what he could to get rid of him, and promised that he would never have worked with Linux ever again.
would like to know, as I had similar problems the first time I ventured into the land of Linux. Here is my dim memory of that moment.
I do not remember the first time I heard of Ubuntu. I only remember a few things about my experience installing for the first time:
Fast forward two years. Ubuntu is the only OS on my machine. Wireless works perfectly, as does printing and many other features that are available for my laptop. In fact, most of all I installed it works well. I never even look at the command prompt if you do not want.
What's changed? So, to improve Ubuntu, and drastically, I might add. All of stability, usability, and the windows drivers are approaching the level of compliance. In many areas, Ubuntu has surpassed Windows, a special performance.
If you feel like giving it another try, I can guarantee that you will not have the same problems with it that did not last time? Why? Well, for one, Ubuntu has added a Windows based installer recent distribution that allows you to install and remove Ubuntu like a standard Windows application. No more accidents in which GRUB erases all record of your NTFS partition, and Vista makes it inaccessible. What is the name of this wonderful program:. Wubi
How am I so sure that it is easy to use? It took me 15 minutes to get my dual boot PC friend the other night. It has installed Ubuntu as a single file. Also by default on Windows boot, as opposed to Grub, which usually defaults to the latest kernel, and put XP after 3 or 4 other kernel choices.
in minute number 30, my friend was running Linux versions of their favorite programs, such as the handbrake and courage. He even found the latest version for your needs KDEnlive video editiranje.Jedino question that we had addressed itself to the next boot. His wireless card is not working. Ubuntu found the driver, and installed on reboot. Happy day. No command line (except for commands I've learned, and wanted to publish, instead of going through the graphical menu), and zero additional configuration.
Look, it's a tough choice to try something again after being burned. I suggest to you, however. If you can find the courage to try Ubuntu again, you have a pleasant surprise awaits you:. It comes in three flavors, based on the window manager of choice
I'll go ahead and say that 98% of you, vanilla Ubuntu is the way to go. All the bells and whistles are thoroughly tested and integrated to work with Gnome.Oku candy is great, and it just feels very uglađen.Jedini downside is that the requirements for all but the very oldest machines can be a bit too much.
2% of you May want to run something other than GNOME-based Ubuntu, 99% from 2% do not want to run KDE. On the plus side, it feels a little more like the Windows operating system. Apart from the fact that it is not nearly as user friendly as a regular Ubuntu. There are some KDE diehards out there, but I'm not one of them. I have a lot more to say about KDE as window manager.
If you have an older machine, XCFE is lightning fast. It takes up relatively little RAM, a great compromise, and for most things pretty well. If you do not need a lot of extra graphical polish. (Read: minimal), then Xubuntu might be a way to go
Now, I will really confuse you. How? Well, if you really like the sleek looking Linux to install, with all the support Ubuntu, and all the flair of a professional graphic designer, and then you want Linux Mint. It is based on Ubuntu, and customized versions of the programs that are altered to fit Mint distribution. They can be several months behind the latest Ubuntu distribution, but there is no doubt that a great distro.
So, now that I'm through gushing, why not try downloading it, burning it to disc, and given one through the use Wubi. Oh, and if you have problems with sound or wireless cards using a Live CD, do not be so sure that you have this problem when you do not complete the installation. 9 times out of 10, these problems are fixed in the full installation.
So go get your favorite Pocket Protector, strap on safety goggles, and a nap. It will be almost painless and totally worth it. You can find additional information you need to
I'm off download the podcast, and get a cup of coffee. For the record, the coffee I was burned once or twice, but that has not stopped me from drinking a pot or two weeks.
11:56 AM | Labels: burned ubuntu, Kubuntu, Linux, mint linux, Ubuntu, xubuntu | 0 Comments
How Do the Ubuntu Repositories Work?
Ubuntu has a storage management software and install software. Find out what it is and what it means for your Linux system.
If you're new to Ubuntu, you've probably heard this word "store", and are not sure what that means or what it is. Most Linux distributions have a system repository. Find out what it is and how it benefits you.
The best way to think about repositories is as the applications store. If you used the iPhone, it is similar principles. There is a group of applications that are approved and maintained by the company. This means that you have a body of software that is sure to work on your Ubuntu installation. It makes installing software on your system much easier.
One advantage of this is that you do not have to manually install your own software. Several years ago, Linux users will have to compile the source code. This is some work in the terminal that the majority of users, especially new users, they did not want to do. Now you can easily search the Synaptic package manager and click software to install. All compositions are thousands of pieces of software is done for you.
Another advantage is that the software is safe. Because the human looked unlikely that the software is malicious files that could harm your system. You can install any software from the repository, without having to worry about any of your computer's security.
In Ubuntu, there are a number of repositories that each do different things. The first application that keeps Ubuntu itself. These are the ones that are updated frequently and is guaranteed to work. There is another set using some code that is not entirely free software. It is free to use, but some of the code can be proprietary which some Linux users dislike.
There are also third party applications, you can use. You should not give any problems, but from time to time, especially after Ubuntu update, some will not work temporarily, but it's generally not a problem.
10:08 AM | Labels: ubuntu repositories, ubuntu repositories work, ubuntu update | 0 Comments
Challenge the limit of surviving: "Kill" terrorist trip
FPS games manufacturers nearly impervious zombies, and the son of a stream, biochemical crisis "for not following the mission, 4" zombie calling thesurvival, how "dead" rat ", Tripwire Interactive has also launched a fierce game K zombies called" Chinese kat has failed. Kill the gameplay and content, and the survival of the road is very similar, but the game engine, killing the screen from more attention than the existence of effects ", is more remarkable, of course, each character has a wealth of experience is worth playing well, without further ado, ready for a weapon, oh no, a good card, together we started K zombies.
The light foil atmosphere
the killing of setting the screen can be manually selected DX rendering model, of course, the default mode, if DX9 is old and is set to D3D card can take into account the fact DX8). (The others are as low-pass filter of anisotropy, etc. can be found here, you can adjust in accordance with their actual situation to set up your computer, of course, we must finish the test.
from the picture, the effects of "survival of the killing of the road is in bloom, smooth reflector HDR exaggeration factor setting allows the killing effects between pictures, but the survival of the road, with stronger for a zombie game, the atmosphere is very important, rendering the slaughter of the leading, between the shot is on the horizon, and then the dizziness will become blurred, and strengthens the urgency of encouraging degree, at the same time, when the zombies knock all the rendering and the players feel more "cool." for both, qualitative material respect, is very good, of course, to also means that the condition of video memory is low, I believe with Ubuntu 7.04 is 256MB of graphics can be seen at high resolution settings running smoothly.
Linux For Ps3 Installer Torrent-Linux For Ps3 Installer Free Download
If you could be happy together with my new computer which was bought recently at a higher price for their work and configuration, I'm afraid you'll be overjoyed to have a great PS3, which contains eight CPU cores, which is the ability premašiosuperiorne with two cores.
You may not know that the benefits of PS3 beyond your imagination. Even the most likely to stay a computer in this area can not be measured. We must not miss this opportunity for making use of this amazing feature. And now we can get help from Linux, which requires the use of Linux for PS3 Linux installer to install a safe for their own unique variations.
It is not difficult to change your PC directly to a higher level as a number of other variations of the mode associated with Linux can be installed, such as Ubuntu and Kubuntu. However, we recommend Yellow Dog Linux mainly because it has received permission from Sony. No doubt that we could enjoy the comfort immediately after installing Linux for the PS3 Windows on the PS3. We can browse the website for the PS3 too much like playing video games, which are most familiar with the factors for the enjoyment of a PC.
In addition, the system could work, so we are allowed to determine the film, pay attention to music and run other programs, programs like the above are integrated into popular desktop računala.Pozicija will need to be reminded that the PS3 is simply not omniscient allow any computer plan. But we are able to develop a program in accordance with our requirements and freely used in the workplace computer software that may be necessary for the operation.
As for the emulator feature, the Windows operating system is allowed to become a Linux install. So, a lot of functions can be carried out and the PS3 will be converted into a multipurpose. Typically speaking, we are able to obtain the moment of entering the final product that can liberate the power of PS3, run Windows applications and video games, and play all file formats.
How to Install a Huawei E220 Modem in Ubuntu Linux
Modem Huawei E220 is a powerful device capable of internet speeds up to 3.6 Mbps. While his place in Windows is fairly easy;. This may be a little headache in Ubuntu Linux and other Linux versions
to set the method described here has been tested with Ubuntu Linux version 8.04 (Hardy Heron). For starters, make sure you have installed wvdial. There are two ways of determining if you have wvdial installed, they are:
Once you have your wvdial, make sure the modem is connected to a USP port available. Then in terminal type this code
Sudo wvdialconf
This command reads all the settings, you will need directly from your modem and writes them in a file called wvdial.conf. Type more commands in the terminal as follows:
sudo gedit / etc / wvdial
This will invoke a text editor (gedit) to open the file at the / etc / wvdial.conf, with administrative privileges (sudo). The file will look something like this:
[Dialer settings] Init1 = ATZ Init2 = ATQ0 V1 E1 S0 = 0 & C1 & D2 + FCLASS = 0 Modem Type = Analog Modem Baud = 9600 New PPPD = Yes Modem = / dev/ttyUSB0 ISDN = 0, phone, password, name
Phone Password and user name are not listed, and are also preceded by a comma followed by space. First of all delete the comma and space, so that P, Q and U, respectively, are the first signs of the lines. Then follows the same format as the completed fields add an equal sign (=) for each line and give them value, so you should have something that looks like this.
[Dialer settings] Init1 = ATZ Init2 = ATQ0 V1 E1 S0 = 0 & C1 & D2 + FCLASS = 0 Modem Type = Analog Modem Baud = 9600 New PPPD = Yes Modem = / dev/ttyUSB0 ISDN = 0 Phone = * 99 # Username = Password = Any Any
telephone number depends on your ISP and do not necessarily have to be * 99 #. You can verify your number by looking at their website. If you still can not get it, contact your provider.
before you save the file and exit, note the second word in the first row, in the case of my example (the default). This is the profile name you will need to rely on junction. Press Alt-F2 and type this Act,
wvdial settings
riječ''zadane''sa or replace everything in the first place your wvdial.conf.
If you want to connect your modem to automatically log on, take your mouse on the panel menu and navigate through the System, Preferences, Sessions, and under "Startup Programs" tab, click on "Add" button and where it says "Command" type this code:
wvdial settings
Be sure to also fill in "Name" box, but what you have typed in there is up to you, simply "Huawei" or "E220" may be ideal for your future reference. Open your browser and you should be up and running. If you get a message saying "Offline Mode" This is just a default setting in Firefox, simply click on the "File" menu in the browser toolbar and de-select "Work offline ".
Finally, if you are still unable to connect, to visit any of the many forums on the Internet, such as and ask questions. You should get a useful answer in a short time.
10:14 AM | Labels: e220 modem, Huawei E220, huawei e220 modem, install huawei e220 modem ubuntu linux, Modem installation, Ubuntu | 0 Comments
Ubuntu - Why You Should Use It
1 Price
Price for the Ubuntu distribution will always be free. This enabled thousands of people who give their free time to develop this operating system. You May Ask yourself, though the operating system made by a large public community that does not mean to say that the software was distributed with the OS, also made public their communities vlastite.Odgovor this will be that all the software used by Ubuntu like myself are all developed by developers in the community by giving their free time. All software within Ubuntu has open source license that allows software to be redistributed, and the source code that is programmed to be changed. This is how the Ubuntu community elects its software, which will be published in upcoming versions of the Ubuntu operating system.
2 viruses
This is one of the biggest concerns for Windows users as well as most viruses can be deadly, and the apocalyptic computer system, if not quarantined or removed. The reason why Ubuntu users do not have to worry about viruses is that most virus creators see no point in writing viruses for Linux than Windows, Linux, because it is only the third most popular operating system behind Windows and Mac. By joining millions of users who now use Ubuntu are doing good deeds for your computer, it is because he was prevented from being damaged by spyware and other viruses.
3 software
Ubuntu is the right choice for you and a lot of software that you use the Mac and Windows editions will likely have an Ubuntu release, it may also be known as Linux. Another advantage of Ubuntu is its very fast and convenient program center to quickly and easily download thousands of applications that are all free. There are many different packages divided into different groups, such as games, development tools, Office software, internet and more.
4 compatibility
Windows software can be compatible to install software such as VMware or Virtual Box and create a virtual Windows machine and putting all your windows only programs without harming your Ubuntu operating system. But if you're using or carrying a small hard disk that would be ideal for you to install a package called wine, it would be the ideal less storage space suits Virtual box allows you to exe and MSI file to run on Ubuntu. But if you use a desktop computer I would suggest using Virtual Box as it would be much more effective.
5 community Support
Ubuntu has two types of support for the user community support and expert support. This professional support is only aimed at users who demand this and other entrepreneurs who are interested in inclusion in Ubuntu its job. These services are provided by Canonical Ltd, owned by Mark Shuttleworth, a leading developer Ubuntu.Razlika compared to Ubuntu and Windows is that in Ubuntu, because the operating system was developed by the community, if you have problems you can quickly and easily talk to the person who developed that part of the system via IM chat and ask them if they can think of a solution. I do not see normal people who use Windows often ends in an interview with Bill Gates about his problems.
I think that everyone who looks at this and using Windows you should change your operating system to Ubuntu. If you can not change I would suggest you use the Ubuntu that allows you to install the operating system inside the window. I've done this many times and recommend it to anyone using Windows who do not want to uninstall Windows.
9:34 PM | Labels: computer, Firefox, google, Kubuntu, Linux, operating system, software, Thunderbird, Ubuntu, Web, Webb | 0 Comments
Stop Seeing Web Page Advertisements - No Additional Software Required
Please note, these instructions are for Microsoft Windows XP (maybe Vista, too) users. Linux (Ubuntu, Fedora, etc.), users will have to find another solution (I suggest reading up on hosts.deny).
One of the most confusing and often frustrating questions most web surfers to deal with web page advertising. Pop-ups, flashing banners, unusually loud audio commercials, all types of fraud and tactics in web advertising, but it is very effective but simple solution to end all the madness.
Title does not lie, there is absolutely no need to download any type of software - no tools, no utilities, no scanner, no spectators, no monitor, no toolbars, they are all junk! This process should take a novice user of less than five minutes to implement. This little tip is so simple, you'll end up using the technique on any computer you use most often. Not only that, there is an excellent opportunity with their friends and family will want to know why it is so quick, clean and comfortable! With that said, let's start.
3:37 PM | Labels: block advertisements, internet privacy, top web advertisements | 0 Comments
An Overview of Networking in Ubuntu Linux
has many advantages in using the Linux operating system. Linux is very powerful and easily customizable. However, it is often necessary to continue to use the program or two on a Windows computer, even after they mainly use Linux. Even if you're using Linux strictly, others in your household you may still use Windows PCs, Linux or other computers. Learning to network your computers together is very useful. Fortunately, the latest version of Ubuntu Linux and have made it pretty easy.
First, you need to understand that networking your Ubuntu Linux PC on a Windows computer will be different than networking two computers Ubuntu. We'll cover the Ubuntu / Windows network in the first place.
Unfortunately, Microsoft, the company that makes Windows, I decided they really wanted to be the only Windows operating system around. So Windows PC does not recognize or "play nice" with Linux computers. Microsoft just ignores the fact that you do not want May to have only Windows computers. This leaves the network setup on Linux.Rješenje for this problem is a lunatic your Windows computer into thinking your Ubuntu computer is a computer running Windows too!
You can do this through a program called Samba. Samba is a great little program that helps your Windows computer to see your Linux computer. It also opens your Windows computer to the Ubuntu PC and allows sharing a printer, so you can use your printer across the home network.
the easiest way to get up and running Samba on the Ubuntu machine to select the folder you want to share. We will say that you want to share your "Favorites" folder. Open the home folder, and then "right click" on "Pictures" folder.
small menu will appear. Click the "Share Options" at the bottom of the list. Another window will pop up.Prozor is labeled "Folder Sharing" - Check the box and click "Create Share" button. You will be prompted that you need to install Samba. Go ahead and confirm the installation.
That's it! Your Samba install is up and running and you should be able to browse your Linux computer to shared folders on your Ubuntu computer. You will also see the shared folders on a Windows computer, if you go to "Network" in Ubuntu Places menu.
Replace the IP addresses of IP for your other Ubuntu computer, and "YourUserName" whatever your username is. This will open your home directory (please enter your user name and password for that computer), and you can browse and get the files you need. Click on "Bookmarks" in the Nautilus menu bar to save this location Nautilus bookmarks to get to easily.
Ubuntu Linux has come a long way in making it easy to get your home network up and trčanje.Nekoliko steps and you'll be browsing your files and share printers without problems!
Resolving "Make Says, Error 139" Error in Linux Computer
Like other computer operating systems, Linux also points to the problems of the system in an error message. Problems can occur when starting or during operation on your system. In some errors, the actual cause of the problem and the solution provides. However, some errors do not contain any proposals. Those are just some of the codes.
The error message is usually due to problems with the system data structures, file systems and other resources that make your system and data are unavailable. Such behavior leads to significant data loss from hard drive and requires Linux Data Recovery Linux to be resolved.
In a practical scenario, you may encounter the error message below while working on your Linux machine:
"May says, Error 139"
After the above mistakes, a Linux system is not functioning properly and ugasio.Problem occurs every time you boot your system or perform a specific set of operations. This error makes the system inaccessible and causes serious data loss. To get your business-critical data recovered, determine the cause of the problem and the performance of Linux Data Recovery solve it.
12:13 AM | Labels: linux data recovery, linux recovery | 0 Comments
How To Fix A Toshiba Satellite Screen Resolution
If you have recently installed the Ubuntu version of Linux operating system on a Toshiba Satellite laptop computer, you may notice that the screen resolution is not perfect. This is because Ubuntu works with the screen resolution a bit different from Windows operating system.
Nevertheless, you can easily fix the screen resolution on a computer using a suitable GUI ("GUI") tool in its new operating system. Open the "Screen Resolution" control program in Ubuntu. To do this, click on "System" drop-down menu located on the taskbar at the top of your Ubuntu desktop. Then click on "Settings" submenu to extend it to the list of all the "Control Panel" style programs that come with Ubuntu. Finally, click once on the icon that says: "Screen Resolution".
Click on the drop-down menu that is labeled "Screen Resolution". This will expand the list of all the different screen resolutions that supports Ubuntu and your Toshiba Satellite laptop.
Click on the screen resolution to "4:3" next to it, if you have a standard sized laptop monitor.Click the screen resolution to "16:9" With him, if you have a widescreen laptop monitor. click on "Apply" to change the screen resolution on Toshiba Satellite for a new resolution that you just mentioned. That would have fixed any problems you were having with your monitor. You can then click on "Close" button to immediately return to the Ubuntu Linux desktop screen.
10:57 PM | Labels: satellite, screen, toshiba | 0 Comments
Who Wins ? Google or Microsoft
Microsoft - tech giant known for its PC operating system to dominate search and Google - the dominant search engine builds a PC operating system. It was Bing vs. Google Search, Chrome OS vs Windows.
Each is a huge opportunity for the other guy's turf, obviously. However, it stands a better chance of pulling it? Let's do a quick comparison of point counterpoint:
The advantage of Google : People are lazy. You've tried to Bing. It was pretty good. Its first page of search results - the 10 blue links - similar to what Google offers Search. Bing's Web content inspection, quick answers to common questions, a home works of art with educational links are pretty cool. And your cousin porn connoisseur really appreciates its video search feature review. However, you are sticking with Google Search. Why? For despite the bells and whistles, Bing is really not that much better. In addition, you are comfortable with Google, which brings the data you want and easy to use. If Microsoft comes with a more compelling reason for people to switch to Bing, it will remain a search-and ran.
Firefox? What Chrome? Chrome OS is vaporware. Google desktop operating system will not debut until 2010, which is an eternity in the tech world. If Chrome OS has been delayed until 2011 or beyond - or, if it really stinks from the door - it could die a quick death. For comparison, the Bing is a working product that is already achieving some degree of success. According to web analytics firm StatCounter, Bing yesterday on top of Yahoo Search market share for the second time since its launch fourth June.
7:31 PM | Labels: enemy territory, google, microsoft | 0 Comments
Ubuntu Linux is Prime Time for Your Business Desktop and Notebook Computing Environment
as a business consultant, web designer and photographer, my technical know-how about doing system administration on my Microsoft Desktop is limited, and sometimes I do not require a server computer my son to get it right. In the Microsoft environment, keeping up to date with regard to potential security breaches and patches was always bdijenje.Strogost keeping current with OS updates, Norton Internet Spyware and update the time. Valuable work time each week to spend and lose on this mission, the government dictates the Microsoft operating environment.
So, with the purchase of an IBM T40 (hard laptop computer), which increases system administration was not an option. That in itself is forced to seriously consider Linux as an alternative work environment. That was five years ago. Now established Linux user, I clearly confess features and advantages of Linux for the small and large businesses, especially when it comes to notebook implementations.
The Linux version is best for small businesses and mobile deployment in your company?
As the Small and Medium Business Development Manager with Sun Microsystems, exposure to Linux and the debate about sustainability is a daily event. Examining and challenging the virtues of Open Source (free) Linux in the licensed version of Linux such as Red Hat and Novell SuSE continues to this day. After years of personal use of Open Source (free) Linux, I can never go back to running Microsoft's operating environment on my laptop. And when you can get Linux versions of Quick Books, Quick Tax and Picasa (now available on Linux), there is no reason to stay in this perpetual administrative nightmare world of Microsoft.
After successfully deployed two Open Source Linux variants on my IBM T40 laptop computer for the past five years, a convincing comparison can be made between Fedora and Ubuntu. , Open Source version of Red Hat, the expertise necessary to install some Linux gurus from Belleville Ontario. It worked fine, but requires some Linux system administration ninja every 6-9 months. Management items used during these visits were to upgrade to Open Office (open source version of Star Office), Linux OS fixes and new peripheral drivers. This, again, it turned out that the drain on my meager time for a real job.
Now Linux called Ubuntu is installed on my laptop. Canonical Ubuntu is a full Open Source Linux based on Debian Linux. Ubuntu is now available on Dell systems and the federal government, adding this Linux operating environment on their list of available standard OS for all desktop and notebook computers.
the right of the door, Ubuntu is easy to install. You can even bring down a copy of the trial to experience exactly how it will behave on your laptop before you download and make the environment of Ubuntu OS on your machine. But the best part is that Ubuntu has kept on top of the OS and all related software applications. Ubuntu Update Manager, which has magically appears in the desktop toolbar. And with a simple click (and password), you keep current on the latest version of the Ubuntu patches, any Linux software applications that you installed from Canonical and Open Office updates.
to the Linux reboot the machine after the update is almost nonexistent.
Oh, how he treated with Ubuntu, Ubuntu boots the computer in less than one minute. I still go get a coffee when I boot the Microsoft Desktop gore.Dodatna favor of Ubuntu: there is no need to install ant-virus and anti-spyware software. Ubuntu itself refuses the bottle scourge on the Internet.
Why Ubuntu is Linux For the Masses
People are still going to debate this year, whether Linux is ready for the desktop, but these claims do not really matter to people who are actually due to the latest versions of Linux a try. Many of the leading distribution and easy to use Ubuntu is probably the easiest to understand for the masses. Although still a small learning curve, Ubuntu has very few rights which makes it easy for the mass numbers to adopt it, if necessary.
The best aspect is that everything is now point and click. While some "hardcore" Linux users might not like this, the masses should simply point and click interface to make your computer as they do with Windows or Mac. If people can understand the simple menus and launch applications from icons, one can understand the many uses Ubuntu.
installation process is very simple. This is a big problem with Linux in prošlosti.Instalacijskom process used hard and heavy, especially since you must have the right software installed to install additional software. Ubuntu has a simple Add / Remove program feature that is as easy to install new programs as the most popular mobile phones. Search by name or category and check boxes to install or remove software. All addictions and other issues to take care of you.
is the company behind Ubuntu, which is supporting millions of civil servants and school children around the world, as well as businesses. This means that there are millions of real people using it every day that I can give feedback active. If there are problems, which will always be with anything that deals with computers, there are plenty of people who use it, and enough money behind these support contracts to make sure that the common issues worked out.
hopefully in the next few years every time someone thinks that the inclusion of operating systems, looking at other options before the big upgrade, they decide to try Ubuntu to see if it suits their needs.
2:02 PM | Labels: install additional software, Linux, Ubuntu, ubuntu linux masses | 0 Comments
How does Linux
The main problem you may encounter is trying to raise the lid, which makes Linux tick is knowing where to start. It is a complicated software stack, which is developed by thousands of people.
After the boot sequence will be reasonable, explaining what it actually is Grub, before jumping in to run the RAM disk and load the kernel. But the problem with this is obvious. Grub early mention in any article and you're likely to repel many readers. We would have the same problem to clarify the kernel, if not chronologically.
Instead, we chose to view from the top, fighting each layer of technology from the desktop to the Linux kernel, as it does for the average user. So you can go from desktop comfort zone to the underground archaeological Linux, where you will find many monuments of the bygone era of multi-user systems, dumb terminals, connections and geeks of the past.
This is one of the things that makes Linux so interesting: you can see exactly what happened, why and when. This allows us to dissect the operating system in such a way that you can try out some solutions, podczas when at the same time, kiedy to learn something about why something works the way on the surface.
Level 1: Userspace
Before we delve into the basement of Linux, the idea that it is important to understand. It is a concept that combines a user workspace, and group benefits, and how to manage the whole system works, and Linux as well as you, as well as user interaction.
based on the assumption that a normal desktop should be able to make important changes in the system without showing that the correct administrative privileges to do so. So, you are prompted for a password when you install new packages or open configuration of the distribution panel, and that is why a normal user can not see the contents of / root or make changes to individual files.
based on the assumption that a normal desktop should be able to make important changes in the system without showing that the correct administrative privileges to do so. So, you are prompted for a password when you install new packages or open configuration of the distribution panel, and that is why a normal user can not see the contents of / root or make changes to individual files....
Your use of the sudo distribution or administrative account access to the entire system is adjustable part of the system. The former usually works on only one session or command, and is used as an ad-hoc solutions for normal use from day to day, as a way as Windows 7 and OS X operating privileges....
Your use of the sudo distribution or administrative account access to the entire system is adjustable part of the system. The former usually works on only one session or command, and is used as an ad-hoc solutions for normal use from day to day, as a way as Windows 7 and OS X operating privileges....
1:12 PM | Labels: does linux, how does, Linux, linux does | 0 Comments
How to Recover Linux Data After Hard Drive Crash?
Is Linux hard drive crashes quickly each time you boot your system? Are you able to boot your Linux computer and access data from it? Well, the problem May occur due to many reasons, which cause hard drive crashes. Most often, the problem is due to missing or corrupted data structures of your Linux hard drive. For the same, the operating system can not find files stored on your hard drive and access them. At this point, you have to opt for Linux data recovery solutions to get your valuable data recovered.
The fall of the Linux hard drive is indicated by different symptoms. Such symptoms include the following:
Your Linux operating system on your computer does not boot.
You can find a variety of error messages such as "No Fixed Disk Present" or "DISK BOOT FAILURE, INSERT SYSTEM DISK and press ENTER"
Black or blank screen after you up your system.
The system reboots, freezes, or stops responding frequently.
"Operating system not found" and "Drive not formatted" message.
12:16 PM | Labels: data recovery linux, linux recovery | 0 Comments
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September 2011
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August 2011
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September 2011