Ubuntu - Why You Should Use It
1 Price
Price for the Ubuntu distribution will always be free. This enabled thousands of people who give their free time to develop this operating system. You May Ask yourself, though the operating system made by a large public community that does not mean to say that the software was distributed with the OS, also made public their communities vlastite.Odgovor this will be that all the software used by Ubuntu like myself are all developed by developers in the community by giving their free time. All software within Ubuntu has open source license that allows software to be redistributed, and the source code that is programmed to be changed. This is how the Ubuntu community elects its software, which will be published in upcoming versions of the Ubuntu operating system.
2 viruses
This is one of the biggest concerns for Windows users as well as most viruses can be deadly, and the apocalyptic computer system, if not quarantined or removed. The reason why Ubuntu users do not have to worry about viruses is that most virus creators see no point in writing viruses for Linux than Windows, Linux, because it is only the third most popular operating system behind Windows and Mac. By joining millions of users who now use Ubuntu are doing good deeds for your computer, it is because he was prevented from being damaged by spyware and other viruses.
3 software
Ubuntu is the right choice for you and a lot of software that you use the Mac and Windows editions will likely have an Ubuntu release, it may also be known as Linux. Another advantage of Ubuntu is its very fast and convenient program center to quickly and easily download thousands of applications that are all free. There are many different packages divided into different groups, such as games, development tools, Office software, internet and more.
4 compatibility
Windows software can be compatible to install software such as VMware or Virtual Box and create a virtual Windows machine and putting all your windows only programs without harming your Ubuntu operating system. But if you're using or carrying a small hard disk that would be ideal for you to install a package called wine, it would be the ideal less storage space suits Virtual box allows you to exe and MSI file to run on Ubuntu. But if you use a desktop computer I would suggest using Virtual Box as it would be much more effective.
5 community Support
Ubuntu has two types of support for the user community support and expert support. This professional support is only aimed at users who demand this and other entrepreneurs who are interested in inclusion in Ubuntu its job. These services are provided by Canonical Ltd, owned by Mark Shuttleworth, a leading developer Ubuntu.Razlika compared to Ubuntu and Windows is that in Ubuntu, because the operating system was developed by the community, if you have problems you can quickly and easily talk to the person who developed that part of the system via IM chat and ask them if they can think of a solution. I do not see normal people who use Windows often ends in an interview with Bill Gates about his problems.
I think that everyone who looks at this and using Windows you should change your operating system to Ubuntu. If you can not change I would suggest you use the Ubuntu that allows you to install the operating system inside the window. I've done this many times and recommend it to anyone using Windows who do not want to uninstall Windows.
9:34 PM | Labels: computer, Firefox, google, Kubuntu, Linux, operating system, software, Thunderbird, Ubuntu, Web, Webb |
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