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old computer these days is no longer a completely useless system. In fact, although I might upgrade my main computer every couple of years, I usually ten to fifteen years before I remove it completely from my home network and send it to a LAN in the sky!
Here are the benefits of 1012, I discovered that many "experienced" computer system!
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This was the first I have to use an older computer. I grabbed an old 286, installed a couple of network cards and the latest version of FREESCO and suddenly every computer in your house have access to the internet without my main system running or without having to buy expensive (in time) dedicated router / firewall device.
Not to mention that I learned a ton about Linux through this process!
Here is a list of some Linux distributions and tools you can use to create a firewall / router for your home:
Smoothwall *
* Firestarter
* shorewall / Coast
* Mason
* Vyatta
* floppyfw
* firehol
* Guarddog
* Turtle
* m0n0wall
endian *
* pfSense
* LutelWall
* zorpa
* ClarkConnect
* Devil Linux
* Sinux
* Kaladix
* SafeSquid
File Server
If you were at Tech Daily Cup before, you will know my love for FreeNAS. With the old computer and a couple of hours of effort, you can have a nifty little file server available on the network.
There are other ways that you can create a file server other than FreeNAS. Here are some that I found:
* FreeNAS
* Samba
iFolder *
* OpenFiler
* CryptoBox
Print Server
My wife and I share a printer that is used to host on your computer. It was a real pain when her computer will go into sleep mode or it will turn it off, and I would lose the ability to print. I was able to convert your old computer into a print server that is always working, and I can now print, regardless of the status of my wife's computer.
Nicholas Fong has a great tutorial on setting this up.
Fax Gateway
Yes, I know. Faxing is so 1985th But lots of people and businesses still rely on this technology to their business running. With a little effort and some old computer hardware, you can set up hylafax server management and control of all incoming and outgoing faxes. In addition, you can save a few trees because they use less paper.
Web / FTP server
With the advent of LAMP server installations, it is relatively trivial for someone to create a Web server. This will give you the opportunity to create their own web sites at home before you distribute them to the world or you can simply use it as an intranet site to take the family in touch.
Here are a few tutorials on setting up a web server:
* Setting up a Web server to a local Debian Linux
* Apache web server
* Ubuntu 7.04 (Feisty Fawn) LAMP Server Setup
SSH / SCP server
SSH and SCP provide you with a lot of very powerful capabilities, so you can remotely access the network and copied securely. One of the best ways is to set up FreeNAS box, enable SSH and then connect to it using SCP client such as WinSCP to transfer files or putty to access your network.
Anti-Spam Server
We all hate spam. So, use your old computer to get rid of it! Using SpamAssassin on Linux, you can quickly stop the flood of incoming spam. I also found a very good tutorial on the subject (Sorry, I had to use the Google cache.).
Proxy server
Most users have the same sites that were visited on a regular basis. Every time I go to these websites, they should go and download all the files again. Although it is not terribly big issue if you have a lot of bandwidth and it is not used very much, it can become a problem if your users have high bandwidth.
can also be used to filter undesirable content.
can also be used to filter undesirable content.
...can also be used to filter undesirable content.
...can also be used to filter undesirable content.
...can also be used to filter undesirable content.
......* 3Proxy
I always thought that the next time I decide to upgrade all the computers for my entire family at home, and not every system upgrade, buy a rather beefy server with lots of RAM, and then create virtual computers for everyone. I was then able to use their original hardware and ThinStation to give them access to your new virtual machine!
You May also want to check AnywhereTS to the setup.
Voice Mail Server
For me, voice mail has always been so passive. It just kind of waiting in one place while you remember how to check (which could be later). The voice mail server will be a great tool!
One major advantage would be the ability to have my voice mail to e-mail me. Another possibility would be to check from my računalo.VOCP system gives me all of these capabilities and more!
Media Server
More and more people go away from your CD and DVD players and title for MP3 and AVI datotekama.Media server is a great way to use the old box.
Here are some resources to get you rockin'!
8:33 PM | Labels: computer, computers and software, software, utilities software |
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