Linux Commands Training Quick Tips - Using the Sudo Command - Examples - Ubuntu

Regular Ubuntu Linux user and the (lack of use) root user

When you install Ubuntu, create a user, the "first" and users can also create multiple users if necessary. When you create a "first" user and assign this user password - and this is one very important


You need to log on your desktop (the Linux GUI login prompt) as "ordinary" (non-root) user - and this password must also be able to do the equivalent of the application as the root user -. When working on a Linux prompt, terminal emulation window on the desktop

By default, the root of usage is not "enabled" (not available) in Ubuntu so i can not log in as this user - which is an innovative thing - how to stop anyone from applications on the desktop as this user - they should be never be done


an example of running Linux sudo command - to get started as root user

by typing in: sudo-i and press Enter to change to a "regular" users to act as ( equivalent to ) root user in Ubuntu (and variations or derivatives such as Kubuntu - see more on that below further ).

, and then give the password the first user who created the system. After running the Linux sudo command, a quick change from a dollar sign on the number or hash mark (press Shift 3). For the "return" to work as a "regular" way to run a command by entering the name of the command and pressing Enter.

The Linux version has its own "derivatives" (variations), and many of them end in "Ubuntu", such as Kubuntu.

    Linux Commands Training Tips: " K " in K is ubuntu abbreviation for " K de" - it is " K " in " K dE" for K DE desktop.

    Ubuntu distro uses the GNOME desktop by default and Kubuntu uses the KDE desktop by default.

Ubuntu Linux and it's derivatives are some of the few distributions that require using the command sudo-i option as shown above - as opposed to using the commands - "dash" option and then entering the root password users.