Win XP and Ubuntu Linux Dual Boot (Ubuntu First)

This article is about dual-booting Ubuntu Linux for-8, 04 (Herdy Heron) and Microsoft Windows XP;. Ubuntu, which is already installed in the system

to manage the dual-boot should boot manager. In Windows, we know that as a bootloader and Ubuntu it is called GRUB.

When we install XP after Herdy Heron, it will completely overwrite GRUB with its boot manager. Unfortunately, until now, Windows is not good enough to deal with this kind of situation or they simply do not want their users the experience of other operating systems.

so that after installing XP you will only see the XP startup screen, it will be Linux. Now we have to reinstall grub to see them together. To do this, you will need to install Ubuntu OS CD. Insert it into the CD ROM and restart the computer. Select your preferred language. Select Try Ubuntu without any change to your computer. This will lead you to boot up the live session.

Now go to Applications -> Accessories -> Terminal. Then type "sudo grub" and press Enter.
"> grub" This is what you will see and will keep seeing until you finish a tough session.
Now just type "find / boot/grub/stage1" after "> grub" and it will appear rough.
You'll find something like "(HDX, Y)", where X and Y be two numbers. If you are a newbie, you need to know immediately what this means.
For example, it is "(hd0, 1)" It should be "> grub (hd0, 1)" look.
Now enter "root (hd0, 1)" It should be "> grub root (hd0, 1)" look.
Now type "setup (hd0)" It should be "> grub setup (hd0)" look.

if everything goes right you will see some lines with success.
Now you can type "stop ".