How to Install a Huawei E220 Modem in Ubuntu Linux

Modem Huawei E220 is a powerful device capable of internet speeds up to 3.6 Mbps. While his place in Windows is fairly easy;. This may be a little headache in Ubuntu Linux and other Linux versions

to set the method described here has been tested with Ubuntu Linux version 8.04 (Hardy Heron). For starters, make sure you have installed wvdial. There are two ways of determining if you have wvdial installed, they are:

    open synaptic package manager (Main Menu> System> Administration> Synaptic Package Manager) and scroll through the list of installed items to see if it is turned on, or, open a terminal and enter this code: sudo apt-get install wvdial

Once you have your wvdial, make sure the modem is connected to a USP port available. Then in terminal type this code

Sudo wvdialconf

This command reads all the settings, you will need directly from your modem and writes them in a file called wvdial.conf. Type more commands in the terminal as follows:

sudo gedit / etc / wvdial

This will invoke a text editor (gedit) to open the file at the / etc / wvdial.conf, with administrative privileges (sudo). The file will look something like this:

[Dialer settings] Init1 = ATZ Init2 = ATQ0 V1 E1 S0 = 0 & C1 & D2 + FCLASS = 0 Modem Type = Analog Modem Baud = 9600 New PPPD = Yes Modem = / dev/ttyUSB0 ISDN = 0, phone, password, name

Phone Password and user name are not listed, and are also preceded by a comma followed by space. First of all delete the comma and space, so that P, Q and U, respectively, are the first signs of the lines. Then follows the same format as the completed fields add an equal sign (=) for each line and give them value, so you should have something that looks like this.

[Dialer settings] Init1 = ATZ Init2 = ATQ0 V1 E1 S0 = 0 & C1 & D2 + FCLASS = 0 Modem Type = Analog Modem Baud = 9600 New PPPD = Yes Modem = / dev/ttyUSB0 ISDN = 0 Phone = * 99 # Username = Password = Any Any

telephone number depends on your ISP and do not necessarily have to be * 99 #. You can verify your number by looking at their website. If you still can not get it, contact your provider.

before you save the file and exit, note the second word in the first row, in the case of my example (the default). This is the profile name you will need to rely on junction. Press Alt-F2 and type this Act,

wvdial settings

riječ''zadane''sa or replace everything in the first place your wvdial.conf.

If you want to connect your modem to automatically log on, take your mouse on the panel menu and navigate through the System, Preferences, Sessions, and under "Startup Programs" tab, click on "Add" button and where it says "Command" type this code:

wvdial settings

Be sure to also fill in "Name" box, but what you have typed in there is up to you, simply "Huawei" or "E220" may be ideal for your future reference. Open your browser and you should be up and running. If you get a message saying "Offline Mode" This is just a default setting in Firefox, simply click on the "File" menu in the browser toolbar and de-select "Work offline ".

Finally, if you are still unable to connect, to visit any of the many forums on the Internet, such as and ask questions. You should get a useful answer in a short time.